How to find us
From the main train station
Leave the main train station and go straight for about 300m. You will reach the "Kröpcke" square. Go downstairs to the underground U4 (Garbsen) or U5 (Stöcken). A short distance ticket is sufficient. Travel three stops in the direction indicated until you reach the stop "Leibniz Universität".
In the building
Enter the building through the main entrance: the stairs up between the lions. In the large hall, take the back left stairs and go up. You are now on "level 3". Walk (to the left, through the glass door) along the passage. After about 50m there is a glass door on the left. Go through this door and along the passage, almost to the end (secretary). The new sign system of the university will also lead you to room G310.
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Fachgebiet Software Engineering
Welfengarten 1
D-30167 Hannover

The Software Engineering is located in the main building of the University of Hannover as shown above.
Parking along the street or in the university parking lot (in front of the building).