Publications of Software Engineering

Showing results 81 - 100 out of 385


Herrmann M, Klünder J. 2021. From Textual to Verbal Communication: Towards Applying Sentiment Analysis to a Software Project Meeting. Yue T, Mirakhorli M, editors. In 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). IEEE Computer Society. pp. 371-376. (Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering).
Karras O, Risch A, Klünder J. 2021. Linking Use Cases and Associated Requirements: A Replicated Eye Tracking Study on the Impact of Linking Variants on Reading Behavior. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development. 9(5).,
Karras O 2021. Supporting requirements communication for shared understanding by applying vision videos in requirements engineering. Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH. 330 p.
Karras O. 2021. Supporting requirements communication for shared understanding by applying vision videos in requirements engineering. Hannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover. 312 p.
Karras O, Kristo E, Klünder J. 2021. The Potential of Using Vision Videos for CrowdRE: Video Comments as a Source of Feedback. Yue T, Mirakhorli M, editors. In 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). IEEE Computer Society. pp. 298-305. (Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering).,
Klünder J, Karajic D, Tell P, Karras O, Münkel C, Münch J, MacDonell SG, Hebig R, Kuhrmann M. 2021. Determining Context Factors for Hybrid Development Methods with Trained Models. Koziolek A, Schaefer I, Seidl C, editors. In Software Engineering 2021. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. pp. 65-66. (GI-Edition. Proceedings).
Klünder J, Busch M, Dehn N, Karras O. 2021. Towards Shaping the Software Lifecycle with Methods and Practices.
Kuhrmann M, Tell P, Hebig R, Klünder J, Munch J, Linssen O, Pfahl D, Felderer M, Prause C, Macdonell S, et al. 2021. What Makes Agile Software Development Agile. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 48(9):3523-3539.
Lübke D, Ahrens M, Schneider K. 2021. Influence of diagram layout and scrolling on understandability of BPMN processes: an eye tracking experiment with BPMN diagrams. Information Technology and Management. 22(2):99-131.
Nagel L, Karras O. 2021. Keep Your Stakeholders Engaged: Interactive Vision Videos in Requirements Engineering. In 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). IEEE Computer Society. pp. 51-57.,,
Nagel L, Karras O, Klünder J. 2021. Ontology-Based Software Graphs for Supporting Code Comprehension During Onboarding. Baldassarre MT, Scanniello G, Skavhaug A, editors. In 2021 47th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA). pp. 158-165. (Proceedings - 2021 47th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2021).
Nagel L, Shi J, Busch M. 2021. Viewing Vision Videos Online: Opportunities for Distributed Stakeholders. Yue T, Mirakhorli M, editors. In 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). IEEE. pp. 306-312. (Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering).
Obaidi M, Klünder J. 2021. Development and application of sentiment analysis tools in software engineering: A systematic literature review. In Proceedings of EASE 2021: Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). pp. 80-89. (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series).
Prenner N, Klünder J, Nolting M, Sniehotta O, Schneider K. 2021. Challenges in the Development of Mobile Online Services in the Automotive Industry: A Case Study. In Proceedings - 2021 IEEE/ACM Joint 15th International Conference on Software and System Processes and 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICSSP/ICGSE 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 22-32.
Prenner N, Unger-Windeler C, Schneider K. 2021. Goals and challenges in hybrid software development approaches. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. 33(11):Article e2382.
Schrieber H, Anders M, Paech B, Schneider K. 2021. A Vision of Understanding the Users View on Software. In REFSQ 2021 Joint Proceedings of the Co-Located Events: Joint Proceedings of REFSQ 2021 Workshops, OpenRE, Poster and Tools Track, and Doctoral Symposium co-located with the 27th International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2021). (CEUR Workshop Proceedings).
Specht A. 2021. Identifikation von relevanten Metriken zur Analyse von Kommunikation in Entwicklerteams. Hannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Tell P, Klünder J, Küpper S, Raffo D, MacDonell S, Münch J, Pfahl D, Linssen O, Kuhrmann M. 2021. Towards the statistical construction of hybrid development methods. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. 33(1):Article e2315.
Unger-Windeler C, Klünder JAC, Reuscher T, Schneider K. 2021. Are Product Owners communicators? A multi-method research approach to provide a more comprehensive picture of Product Owners in practice. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. 33(1):Article e2311.
Viertel FP, Brunotte W, Evers Y, Schneider K. 2021. Community Knowledge about Security: Identification and Classification of User Contributions. Garcia-Alfaro J, Leneutre J, Cuppens N, Yaich R, editors. In Risks and Security of Internet and Systems: 15th International Conference, CRiSIS 2020, Paris, France, November 4–6, 2020, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Cham. pp. 181-197. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)).