
Showing results 201 - 220 out of 257

Singer L, Schneider K. Supporting the cooperation of end-user programmers through social development environments. In Web2SE'11 : Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web 2.0 for Software Engineering, Co-located with ICSE 2011. 2011. p. 13-18. (Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering). doi: 10.1145/1984701.1984704
Stapel K, Knauss E, Schneider K, Zazworka N. FLOW mapping: Planning and managing communication in distributed teams. In Proceedings - 2011 6th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE 2011. 2011. p. 190-199. 6063167. (Proceedings - International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE) ). doi: 10.1109/ICGSE.2011.9
Brill O, Schneider K, Knauss E. Videos vs. Use Cases - Can Videos Capture More Requirements under Time Pressure?. 2010. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14192-8_5
Houmb SH, Islam S, Knauss E, Jürjens J, Schneider K. Eliciting security requirements and tracing them to design: An integration of Common Criteria, heuristics, and UMLsec. Requirements engineering. 2010 Mar;15(1):63-93. doi: 10.1007/s00766-009-0093-9
Lübke D, Schneider K, Dörr J, Adam S, Singer L. 2. Workshop für Requirements Engineering und Business Process Management (REBPM 2010). In Engels G, Luckey M, Schafer W, editors, Software Engineering 2010 : Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, Proceedings. Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI). 2010. p. 248. (Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)).
Meyer S, Knauss E, Schneider K. Distributing a lean organization: Maintaining communication while staying agile. In Lean Enterprise Software and Systems - First International Conference, LESS 2010, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. 2010. p. 99-103. (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing). doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16416-3_14
Schneider K. Anforderungen klären mit Videoclips. In Engels G, Luckey M, Schafer W, editors, Software Engineering 2010 : Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik. Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI). 2010. p. 93-104. (GI-Edition : lecture notes in informatics).
Schneider K, Sebastian M, Peters M, Schliephacke F, Mörschbach J, Aguirre L. Feedback in Context - Supporting the Evolution of IT-Ecosystems.. 2010. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-13792-1_16
Stapel K, Knauss E, Schneider K, Becker M. Towards understanding communication structure in Pair Programming. In Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 11th International Conference, XP 2010, Proceedings. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2010. p. 117-131. (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing). doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-13054-0_9
Zazworka N, Stapel K, Knauss E, Shull F, Basili VR, Schneider K. Are developers complying with the process: An XP study. In ESEM 2010 : Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. 2010. 1852805. (ESEM 2010 - Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement). doi: 10.1145/1852786.1852805
Bartelt C, Broy M, Herrmann C, Knauss E, Kuhrmann M, Rausch A et al. Orchestration of global software engineering projects: Position paper. In Proceedings: 2009 4th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE 2009. 2009. p. 332-337. 5196956. (Proceedings - 2009 4th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE 2009). doi:, 10.1109/ICGSE.2009.52
Knauss E, Schneider K, Stapel K. Learning to write better requirements through heuristic critiques. In 17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE2009. 2009. p. 387-388. 5328481. (Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering). doi: 10.1109/RE.2009.58
Lübke D, Adam S, Stein S, Dörr J, Schneider K. Workshop Requirements Engineering und Business Process Management: REBPM 2009. In Munch J, Liggesmeyer P, editors, Software Engineering 2009: Workshopband, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, Proceedings. Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI). 2009. p. 193. (Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)).
Schneider K. Experience and knowledge management in software engineering. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. 235 p. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-95880-2
Schneider K, Lübke D. Modeling and improving information flows in the development of large business applications. In Software Architecture Knowledge Management: Theory and Practice. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2009. p. 175-197 doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02374-3_10
Schneider K. Software engineering rationale: Wissen über software erheben und erhalten. In Design for Future - Langlebige Softwaresysteme 2009: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop des GI-Arbeitskreises Langlebige Softwaresysteme (L2S2): "Design for Future - Langlebige Softwaresysteme". 2009. p. 160-171. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings).
Singer L, Knauss E, Schneider K. Requirements Engineering in IT-'kosystemen mit Hilfe von Archetypen. In INFORMATIK 2009 - Im Focus das Leben, Beitrage der 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V. (GI). 2009. p. 3865-3874. (INFORMATIK 2009 - Im Focus das Leben, Beitrage der 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V. (GI)).
Singer L, Brill O, Meyer S, Schneider K. Utilizing rule deviations in IT ecosystems for implicit requirements elicitation. In 2009 2nd International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge, MARK 2009. IEEE Computer Society. 2009. p. 22-26. 5457344. (2009 2nd International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge, MARK 2009). doi: 10.1109/MARK.2009.14
Stapel K, Knauss E, Schneider K. Using FLOW to improve communication of requirements in globally distributed software projects. In 2009 Collaboration and Intercultural Issues on Requirements: Communication, Understanding and Softskills, CIRCUS 2009. IEEE Computer Society. 2009. p. 5-14. 5457328. (2009 Collaboration and Intercultural Issues on Requirements: Communication, Understanding and Softskills, CIRCUS 2009). doi: 10.1109/CIRCUS.2009.6
Weidlich M, Grosskopf A, Lübke D, Schneider K, Knauss E, Singer L. Verzahnung von Requirements Engineering und Geschäftsprozessdesign. In Munch J, Liggesmeyer P, editors, Software Engineering 2009 : Workshopband, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, Proceedings. Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI). 2009. p. 229-236. (Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)).